Posts List
[04] JavaScript 入門 - 強制轉型、Truthy & Falsy、條件式
2020-04-06 | 0 0 | coercion truthy falsy if-else switch ternary operator
Day 28 - Tomato Timer Project
2022-05-08 | 0 0 | Python 課堂筆記 100 Days of Code
《鳥哥 Linux 私房菜:基礎篇》Chapter 04 - 首次登入與線上求助
2020-06-29 | 0 0 | 鳥哥的 Linux 私房菜 linux
Airflow 動手玩:(六)Airflow with Kuberentes Executor
2020-02-29 | 0 0 | Airflow Data Pipeline Data Cleaning ETL
Word Embedding & Word2Vec
2020-11-08 | 0 0 | AI NLP Word2Vec WordEmbedding CBOW Skip-Gram